Welcome to my High Heels, Stockings and Nylons Blog

In this blog I'm writing about my passion for shoes - especially high heels, pumps, sandals and stilettos. It's kind of a diary for me with sometimes just pics of my everyday life. I'm updating this blog as often as possible and try to post photos of my high heels and stockings to every post. If you have any suggestions for a photoshooting - just tell me ;-).
Hope you enjoy reading and watching my blog!

My first oxford high heel pumps - first impressions

oxford style high heels
bare feet high heels
oxford high heels
5 1/2 inch oxford high heel pumps - first impressions....

Here are some first photos of my new oxford style high heeled pumps. I just got these shoes yesterday - they really look very nice. Something different then my other high heels. These oxford style high heels are made of black leather and have again a 5 1/2 inch (14 cm) high heel. So I now own two shoes with such high heels. I was a very warm day, so I just put this shoes on bare feet. And, as far as I can tell already - these shoes are very comfortable as they are nearly boots. I really like them ;-). These three photos are just a first impression of my new pumps - will show you some more soon....


jez said...

your legs are simply the Best
they look amazing in those shoes

alonsolicks said...

amazing ...

NippleRing said...

The great legs help make those shoes look amazing

Unknown said...

Oh no.. I don't really like it... I prefere the previous one.

highfeelings said...

I usually do not love oxford high heels pumps, but these are nice abd glorified by your legs..... wich brand are from... I usually wear heels with jeans and I think they should be perfect with them,

thanks, Marco

Samantha Davis said...

these are fabulous!!!! i love me some sky high, 5 1/2 inchers!!!

i am a high heel fan myself! and a designer of such fabulous things, nonetheless.
