
5 inch Oxford High Heels and fishnet stockings

 oxford pumps and fishnet stockings
 garter belt and fishnet stockings
5 inch Oxford High Heels and fishnet stockings
Just got my new 5 inch Oxford High Heels in black and white. These heels are made by Seduce and I think they look really sexy! Some of you asked me if I have fishnet stockings. Yes I do - here they are ;) ! Hope you will love them and my matching garter belt as well! ;-). Black and white heels need a black and white garter belt ;). Together with my Oxford High Heels they make amazing legs! I also got my new insoles from "Footminders Catwalk". They make my high heels even more comfortable! Thanks a lot! If you want to know more about them visit - I really can recommend them for people wearing high heels every day.

Highheeled greetings and Happy Holidays


  1. I love those oxfords!!!! Very sexy outfit like always!!!

  2. Hi D, love the stockings... very sexy!
    Hope your new year will be a fabulous one, best wishes for you and your family!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Had to come back and have another look

    The last picture of you is my favourite so far

    The Oxford Heels and Stockings on your long legs look fantastic !!
