a great fan of my high heels blog from italy made me think of how high can high heels be for me? - well, thats a really good question and i realy would like to know what is the maximum height of high heels my feet will be able to manage.
i put on my highest heels - 5 inch - and tried to stretch my leg and feet completly. if you look at the photo were i'm standing, you can see that the heel is above the ground and that there is also some space between my feet and the sandal.
so - the 5 inch of the sandal and the probably half or 3/4 inch of space together should be the height of the highest heels i can wear (without standing on my toes or bending my knees) with my arch completly streched.
i realy would like to try 5,5 or even 5,75 inch highheels - somewhere there is the maximum i think.
i'll keep you up to date with my "high heels-experiment". ;-)
these sandals are a european 38 - I realy don't know what size this would be in US.
maybe you can tell me?
the Photoroom posted [the feminin blogger]
...άραγε θά δούμε καί στήν ελληνική μπλογκόσφαιρα κάτι ανάλογο;
the feminin said...
can you please translate what is written under my photo??
thanks - CG.
the Photoroom answer...
in english
..I wonder we will see also in Greek female bloggers community something proportional?
auf englisch
..I wunder sehen wir auch in griechisches weibliche bloggers Gemeinschaft proportionales etwas?
The Photoroom closed
Gesloten Photoroom
My warm regards
OH MY GOODNESS.. I just discovered your blog and the most beautiful legs I've ever seen. It's a good thing you provide pics, as those defy description :-)
wow..... you are really a different.Even in that sexy picture my eyes focus on his slippers.you has made a good job now i like to wear such a kind of shoes.now i through my old lugz product into my dustbin
Nice Blog..
If you like my video blog we can blog roll each other
ur shoes are all so awesome very pretty legs also. i also have a blog if u wanna check it out it www.hottheels.blogspot.com i send u a email also so get back to me. i'm also a huge fanatic of high heels. i really like ur shoes good job with the blog.
Firstly, I signed up just so I could leave a comment on your fantastic blog.
I hope you have a significant other who appreciates that you are 1 in a million; a lover of corsets AND high heels is a rare person indeed.
With Winter fast approaching, do you intend to wear high heeled boots?
A European size 38 is a UK size 5 - that should be able to support a 6 inch heel.
I hope your studying goes well.
Great work as always and us flowers like alot!
Happy flower smelling all round..
you have great taste in shoes.
Those heels look positively lethal. Very nice though. Of course.
WOW... the highest heel for sure! I just love em!
You are stunning! I love your pics! I'm sure you already have a boyfriend - he is one lucky guy!
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
John aus Dänemark
Have You tried six inch heels forever, it is a Chinese website with some facinating footwear. Google it and it will go to the website
I am dying to know who makes those stunning shoes. Do tell :-)
Where can one the purchase? I look for these shoes!
6 inch heels are great, but really difficult to walk in, especially without a platform. Definitly try some!
Those must be the most most most beautiful and gorgoeus feet I've ever seen in the world! And I'm a shoephotographer, you'd make it if you set youre heart into the task, I'll promise you that! Hope to see more of you, and youre beautiful pair of feet :) Best Regards / Tricky, Sweden
Those must be the most most most beautiful and gorgoeus feet I've ever seen in the world! And I'm a shoephotographer, you'd make it if you set youre heart into the task, I'll promise you that! Hope to see more of you, and youre beautiful pair of feet :) Best Regards / Tricky, Sweden
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