
5 inch open-front black gloss leather Oxford style Pumps

long legs and high heels 5 inch open-front Oxford style Pumps Here are 4 more high heel photos of the last photoshooting-session with my friend. This time - as requested - wearing my 5 inch open-front oxford style High Heels in black gloss leather. As we have the same shoesize, she actually lended this shoes already a couple of times from me for going out because she likes this heels so much. For all - a bit neglected (sorry for that) stockings fans - there will be some really amazing and sexy high heels and stockings pix - you will like them for sure ;). Thanks again to a great fan of this High Heel Blog for those very nice pumps!!! - enjoy my High Heels Blog, CG.

Thanks for the warm welcome on my High Heels Blog!!!

black 5 inch high heels 5 inch metal heel pumps thanks a lot for the very warm welcome of my friend by all of you high heel fans!!! it looks like you like my friend and her legs ;-). i'll show her all your nice comments on the last posting - and maybe you are lucky and she will show her face. here are some more fotos from this last high heel foto shooting showing my black 5 inch high heels with a metal heel.... good news as well, we did already another shoe-foto-shooting (one with my 5.5 inch high heels and another one with my 5 inch oxford style pumps) - so i can show u some more - very nice - high heels photos soon!!